Taming the Shrew: Regulating Technology for a Better, Safer…
Changing Gears for a New Era: Why We Need to Switch to Green Energy Sooner!!!
How Failure Can Sometimes Be More Meaningful than Success: What We Can Learn From the Series Finale
DAVOS – A Notorious Parallel Reality of Elitist Deliberation
10 “Guaranteed Billion-Dollar Startup Ideas” for Sustainability in 2020s
Changes I Wish to See in the World in…
Where can you spend your Bitcoins, Legally
ShareLibra Demystified
Understanding and Solving Air Pollution (thats causing millions of deaths around the World)
Why has Blockchain not disrupted the world yet
Book release and review – Squaring the Blockchain circle
Steroids funding for startups – beware of the risks
Why are technology buffets bad for humans
Importance of Product Delivery in Startups
Embracing the algorithmic world around us – With Caution
Busting top 7 myths of Blockchain
Education, the weapon of mass restoration
Global Warning
Walmart Flipkart deal – Real winner is Amazon
The world (produce) is not enough
Water water every-“WHERE”?
Let’s talk TRASH
Will quitting Facebook make you happier??? It’s about time.
Bitcoin is a seed; more you bury it, more it grows