Idea behind Startup Pundit
Why you should not join a Growth Stage Start-up…
Why High Internet Valuation misguides the Entrepreneur Focus
Chosing Partner Clients in Start-up’s Growth Stage
Managing Start-ups in Growth Phase
First-time Entrepreneurs, Be Aware of these 50 Things
NSEL crisis – Mini Version of US subprime crisis in Indian capital markets
Social Benefits of HFT and Algo Trading: Regulators should Embrace them
8 Reasons why Engineers can become Good Entrepreneurs
Letting Someone Go in a Start-up
An Entrepreneur’s Decision-Making Process and Next Best Alternatives
Lessons Entrepreneurs can Learn from Kids
Entrepreneurs: Know Your Customers, and that They Don’t Know…
Sharing a Start-up Idea
Open Source Technology for Financial Services
Algo Trading: The 1-O-1
Basics of Financial Trading
Electronic trading
Dark Pools
Failure in a Start-up
Pivoting in a Start-up
Inspiring the Start-up team
Questions you can ask a Start-up before Joining
Administrative Challenges of Running a Start-up in India