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Books by Kunal Nandwani

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Techtopia: How Carbon Met Silicon and Humans Entered the AI Black Hole
Is humanity’s digital future, our ‘Techtopia’, utopian or dystopian?
Is the march from Carbon to Silicon—inside our bodies and in the world surrounding us—leading us to a higher state of flourishing or our doom?
As AI radically advances, what will it even mean to be human?
The author not only tackles such fundamental questions but examines how technology will shape us in multiple spheres--work, play, transportation, knowledge, food, and medicine. He even looks at its impact in the overarching spheres of social change, warfare and climate change.
Most importantly, he goes way beyond the dominant narratives of The Singularity and doomsday predictions by weaving in Vedantic and Aurobindinian perspectives. Techtopia sheds light on a final unique question--will AI be the catalyst that will take humans to their evolutionary destiny as foreseen by our Maharshis of yore?
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Squaring the Blockchain Circle
The hype-fog surrounding the blockchain and its offspring crypto currencies is peaking, and this book slices through it. Is the blockchain revolutionary in scope? Absolutely. Will it all play out in line with the investment dollars? Not at all.
Squaring the Blockchain Circle critiques the blockchain ecosystem.
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SOCIOPRENEUR Zero to One: Building Conscious Social Sustainable Startups
What does it mean to be an “entrepreneur"?
Are profits everything?
Is there any point to this journey?
This book has answers—by taking you from being entrepreneurs to becoming sociopreneurs.
It shows how to build a life of entrepreneurial satisfaction, create scalable social impact, and attain self-actualization without compromise.
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